Mad Max

Celestial was given a dream by the Lord that life in America as we know it is over, no more schools and everything else that we take for granted will be over there. As food is not readily available, so any surviving American would have to make do or find a way to get it. Even before the nuclear apocalypse happens there, Americans will do anything and everything to get what they want. They will even cross the borders to get what they wanted and needed, no matter how reckless or strange their methods and reasons are. The fact that this vision took place when America got bombed and nuked real badly by its enemies is kind of saying.

Celestial even said somewhere else on her blog that America will get a taste of its own medicine when Russia does many of the same things to it, whether if it’s martial sexual harassment or nuclear bombs. The last one’s even noted and prophesised multiple times, that if America were to get nuked in the future it will really get this. Then it will be forgotten to time, made unrecognisable in whatever manner and much of it will drown into the ocean, by then it’ll be nearly impossible to find where New York City was. Not only that but also Los Angeles, San Francisco and any other American city. Even if it were possible for parts of America to remain recognisable, they will remain but not for reasons you think it is.

Something like Hawaii will become independent and then join the Asia-Pacific Union, whilst Russia gives Alaska to Canada instead. If America does get nuked multiple times by its enemies and former allies, then any surviving American would have to find a way to thrive. They have to find a way to stay awake, work and then sleep to the best of their abilities in such circumstances, so she saw groups of ordinary people enduring this hellish landscape. The hellish landscape that was once America or at least the America we know today, an America that has fallen from the Lord and has become a hollow shell of its former self. Well spiritually speaking, considering what it turned into.

Somebody going by the name of Solitary Man said that America has the Babylon spirit, or that it’s the modern nation-state most like Babylon in scope, power and spiritual degradation. Babylon was the major power in the Old Testament that it subjugated the Kingdom of Judah and oppressed its people, to the point of becoming a warning to what other powerful nations would risk turning into. Corrupt, oppressive and cruel, then eventually forgotten to time. That’s not to say the old Babylon was completely forgotten to time, but largely forgotten to the point of being largely regarded as legendary until recently. If America really does have the spirit of Babylon, then it will be forgotten.

If Babylon was metaphorically destroyed by its enemies, America will be literally destroyed by its enemies. The fact that America itself will actually be destroyed in WWIII is a sort of reversal of fortune, where America used to get away with the things it did in WWII because it was spared in some way. But because it has sinned so much that war will come to its shores, not just due to a civil war but also becoming attacked by its own enemies that its power and fame will be undone. Not to mention the Bible tells us that we can be in Babylon, but not of Babylon so it could be rephrased as being in America, but not of America. What values do we follow, do we follow God or the world?

Do Filipinos honestly honour and fear God or do they follow and revere America more? Unfortunately, it could be the latter because we ape America’s vices and feed America’s vile appetite. So despite being the East Asian country with the largest Christian population (second largest goes to South Korea), we openly follow and admire America a lot regardless of the bad things it puts out. What does this say about us as a people? Are we acting godly and pure, or are we worldly and impure? We could repent of our sins but it’s necessary for Filipinos to let go of America as it’s up to no good. Especially in this day and age that we’re better off feeding China’s growing appetite for Christianity instead, but we lie with America and it will be our fault.

The fact that America is Mystery Babylon and will be destroyed is something we should take heed to.

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