Trust In Me

Celestial had a conversation with God where he said to her that heads of government are actually subjected to demonic powers and influences, how they don’t really control the government and why a lot of the stuff you see in news television is staged. Even if they’re not always staged as some of it could be sincere, it makes you wonder who do we trust. Do we trust God’s advice and warnings, or to the wisdom of human beings? Even if some of the things heads of government do are trustworthy, sometimes they aren’t whenever they condone something demonic. I have listened to a series of sermons on Radio Maria about the legalisation of divorce in the Philippines, about how this is going to undermine a lot of Philippine families when it does.

Sometimes the heads of government are truly trustworthy and reliable, but sometimes they aren’t especially when it comes to condoning and allowing the things God forbids. Sometimes these are even bad alliances such as allying oneself with God’s enemies, it could be the Devil but it could also be America/Mystery Babylon. It’s been pointed out a lot on her blog that America is Mystery Babylon in a way no other institution or country comes close, somebody going by the name of Solitary Man also said that America is Mystery Babylon or at least a new Babylon. This runs contrary to the usual rhetoric about America being a new Israel, not to mention she goes on saying that a number of news is untrustworthy.

That it’s often manipulated or biased is something that can confuse people when they’re confronted with the truth, sometimes they’re honest and trustworthy but sometimes they’re not. This may not be unique to America but what is notable is how a number of newscasters and the like lie about America’s economic state, even if it’s not always the case but as America’s debt is growing you have some people who think that the US economy is doing great. But when US debt is far bigger than that of American GDP, what does this say about the health of the national economy? God’s wisdom will always trump human wisdom.

We don’t trust God much, but it’s necessary as he never lies. So we must heed to him, even when we don’t feel like it.

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