The Bomb (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)

If you believe somebody like Celestial, America is Mystery Babylon and one of the vices or sins that it will be punished for is lust. Whatever bad sexual activity that got mentioned will be punished by the Lord, which doesn’t help when America’s like one of the largest producers of porn ever. Possibly larger still if you include something like erotica books, but the spade will always be a spade regardless of how different it looks to others. I feel like a good number of American companies and individuals may not produce porn in any way, but enable this practise even though they shouldn’t be doing this. Take DC Comics for instance, its swimsuit specials could be pornographic to some people.

Let’s not forget that there’s a lot of fanmade porn based on the DC Comics stories that DC generally doesn’t care about whatsoever, that even when the DC Comics stories themselves aren’t generally this pornographic they could still cause somebody to stumble in some way. Not helped by that some DC cartoonists and writers enable this, that it’s on them for encouraging impressionable fans into doing these things. As for the explosions part, these may have been already fulfilled in some way. But it’s possible that there’s more to come in the future, not just future volcanic eruptions and wildfires. But also earthquakes, including one that will literally split America into two.

Bad enough that America’s home to an earthquake fault, that the big one will happen. Not just that but also the possibility of Yellowstone erupting that will really shock the world, it’s been covered in some other post but that’s beyond the scope of this post.

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